Time for action as poll finds over half the public want gambling ads banned.

A major new poll has found most people want tighter restrictions on the gambling industry, including strong support for a blanket ban on gambling advertising.

The Survation poll, commissioned by CEGA  with a sample size of over 2,000, found 51% of respondents agree with CEGA’s position that all gambling advertising, promotion, and sponsorship should be banned. More than three quarters, 78%, said that nobody under the age of 18 should be exposed to gambling advertising.

The poll shows the last government’s approach to gambling advertising was strongly out of kilter with the views of the British public, presenting an opportunity for the new Labour administration to take positive action.

“This new poll, coupled with the shocking latest statistics from the Gambling Commission on the scale of gambling harm, presents the Government with a perfect opportunity to tighten restrictions with a range of positive outcomes,” says CEGA Director, Will Prochaska

“Banning gambling advertising would be popular, would improve the nation’s health, and would grow the economy – money spent on almost anything else would be more economically productive and would reduce the sizable human and societal costs of gambling.”

The poll has received strong attention from policy makers and the press. Sir Ian Duncan Smith cited it at the Gambling Advertising Reform Summit in September, insisting that the government needs to move towards the public on this issue.  

In September BBC One’s Sunday Morning Live led with Survation’s finding that 67% of the public believe that gambling presents a danger to family life before a debate between the IEA’s Chris Snowden and CEGA’s Director Will Prochaska. You can watch it here.

Pressure continued to build when MP for Leeds Central and Headingly, Alex Sobel, wrote to Channel 4 asking them to ban gambling ads from their coverage.  


“The majority of the UK public support a full ban on gambling advertising,” said Sobel. “I am asking that you consider a full ban on gambling advertising on Channel 4.”

The poll is sure to face backlash from the gambling industry, as well as sections of the media who insist they need the ad revenues.

But 65% of the public believe protecting people from gambling harm is more important than safeguarding the financial interests of the media industry. There should therefore be no reason for continued government inaction.